Ni/ Me

Ta lehenik, eskarrikasko nere orrian sartzeagatik!
Ez det gehiegizko txapa sartu nahi, beraz nitaz zeozer jakiteagatik presentazio moduan, hau bakarrik kontatu nahi nizueke:
18 urte bete nituenean nere amaren bidea jarraituz Odontologiako karrera ikasten hasi nintzan. Ez zitzaidan bereziki gustatzen baina behintzat etorkizuna konponduta edukiko nuke...Normala den bezela, ez zitzaidan ondo joan, beraz, benetan gustatzen zitzaidana ikastea erabaki nuen, Arte Ederrak, baina Iraila zan erabakia hartu nuenean eta berandu prematrikula egiteko ta esan nuen, ah!, ba Ingalaterrara joango naiz (izebaren etxera hasieran ), urte beteko ikastaroren bat egitea ( eta horrela erdi ahaztuta nuen ingelesa berreskuratu..) eta bukatzerakoan Bilbora Arte Ederrak ikastea bueltatu.
Ba horrela hasi nintzan Eastbourne izeneko kostaldeko herri txiki batean urte beteko "arte"-ari buruzko ikastaroarekin. Bertan: diseinu grafikoa, ilustrazioa, eskultura, litografia, pintura, etab. eman genituen, eta orduan ikusi nuen nik benetan ilustrazioa zala gustoko nuena. Erabaki nuen Ingalaterran geratu eta 2 urteko Ilustrazioko modulua ikastea aldameneko Brighton hirian (bueno, Worthing-en zegoen ikastetxea baina Brighton-en bizi nitzan).Bi urte marrazten eta marrazten pasa nituen, desdeluego, nere bizitzako kreatiboenak!
Okerrena izan zan bukatzerakoan ikustea ilustrazioko lanik ez nuela aurkitzen..Jatetxe Indutar batean mural batzuk pintatu genituen eta horrelako lan motak egin nituen, baina ez ziran ilustrazio lanak. Beraz, Euskal Herrira bueltatu (orduan 24 urte nituen) eta beste zeozer ikasi behar nuela ikusi nuen, zerbait irteera profesionalarekin eta urte gutxitan ikastekoa.
Eta horrelaxe hasi nintzan Irungo Bidasoa ikastetxean Topografia modulua ikasten eta bi urte beranduago, lanean hasi nintzen gaur egungo lana dudan postu berean. Eta orain, 5 urte beranduago, nere burua ikusten dut berriro ilustrazio munduan sartu nahian, behintzat nere denbora librean. Lagundu nahi?...

And first of all, thanks for visiting my blog!
As a little presentation about myself, I just want to tell you this little story:
When I was 18 i decided to follow my mum´s studies and started with the carrier of Dentistry. I wasn´t specially fond of it but at least I would have a “solved” future with it. Obviously, it didn´t work out, so I decided to do what I really wanted: Fine Arts. But it was already September by the time I decided this, and too late to start the course that year, so I thought I could visit my auntie in Brighton and study a year long course about Art in general over there (and practice my English at the same time…). So that´s how I ended up in Eastbourne, where we learnt graphic design, illustration, painting, lytography, sculpture, etc. and that´s when I realized that it was illustration what I really liked. So, instead of going back to my home town to do Fine Arts, I stayed 2 more years in Brighton and did the 2 year long “HND in Graphic Design and Illustration” in Northbrook College (Worthing). Those were my most creative years, I really enjoyed them!
But then I finished and saw that there wasn´t really much work…I did some murals for an Indian restaurant and that kind of thing, but it wasn´t really illustration work. So, I came back to the Basque Country, with my 24 years old, and decided it was still worth studying something else, with a professional market and that I could study in a short time period. And that´s how I ended up in Irun, doing another 2 year long “HND” in land surveying. Two years later I was working in the office where I still work.
And it is now, 5 years later, that I really want to give it a try, and do some illustration at least in my spare time. Wanna help me?...